

A quick look at using roblox-ts in RCC

For Typescript in RCC, roblox-ts is used internally. All valid roblox-ts code is valid for RCC.

Use roblox-ts's Documentation for more information on Typescript.

Importing Python in Typescript

To import Python in Typescript, lets imagine 2 files:

# myPythonFile.py
global printHi # Export identifier
def printHi(name):
  print(f"Greetings, {name}")
  return True


// myTypescriptFile.ts
import myPythonFile from "./myPythonFile"
myPythonFile.printHi("John Lua")

This will not work out of the box. In order to import Python in Typescript you need to make a d.ts file.

// myPythonFile.d.ts
interface myPythonFile {
  printHi(input: string): boolean;
declare const myPythonFile: myPythonFile;
export = myPythonFile;

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