

Creating and porting projects to RCC

RCC can create a new project for you with a single command. Or you can port an existing Rojo or roblox-ts project to RCC with ease.

New Project


rcc init

and choose one of the following templates:

  • roblox-py - A full Python project with roblox-py and rojo support
  • fullstack - A project configured for roblox-ts, roblox-py, and luau support
  • roblox-c (C & C++ variants) - A project configured for roblox-c support, should only be used when expirimenting not for production
  • roblox-cs - A project configured for roblox-cs support, roblox-cs is currently still in-dev, the template will not work yet.

Once you have chose one of these projects run cd template to enter the project directory and start working on your project.

Porting a Rojo Project

Open your default.project.json file and add the following to the ReplicatedStorage section:

"ReplicatedStorage": {
    "Packages": {
        "$path": "include"

Your project should now be ready to be used with RCC.

Porting a roblox-ts Project

Under ReplicatedStorage, you should see something that looks like this:

"rbxts_include": { // This will not be exact, roblox-ts is very flexible so it may look different. You can get help in our discord.
    "$path": "include"

Replace it with:

"Packages": {
    "$path": "include",
    "node_modules": {
        "$className": "Folder",
        "@rbxts": {
            "$path": "node_modules/@rbxts"

roblox-ts will adjust and now support RCC.

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